Wall Street in Zahlen: Das Jahr 2008 im Rückblick

Zahlen über Zahlen zu dem Jahr an der Wall Street und der damit verbundenen Finanzmarktkrise findet man im Wall Street Journal.

Ein Auszug:

-33.84% The percentage loss in the Dow industrials, worst since 1931, third-worst in history.

-38.49% The percentage loss in the S&P 500, worst since 1937.

-40.54% The percentage loss for the Nasdaq Composite Index, worst in history.

126 The number of up days on the S&P 500 in 2008.

126 The number of down days on the S&P 500 in 2008. (The difference, of course, is that on the down days, the market lost an average of a kajillion points.)

28 The number of Dow industrials components ending lower on the year. The outliers were Wal-Mart Stores and McDonald’s.

15 The number of Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index members that ended the year in positive territory. This is the worst breadth for the S&P going back to 1980; second-worst was 2002, when 131 stocks, or 26% of the issues, rose on the year.

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